Rick Grimes Meets Jesus Christ…

So 20 years ago cancer took my mother. Yes those of you who know me well. 20 years. On this solemn anniversary I normally put something sweet in remembrance of my mother. But today I thought I would, instead, thank…
I don’t know what we’re doing!
The perils of helping those in need. I was recently confronted with the problem of helping someone that shouldn’t need help. Let me explain. The job of a parent is to provide and protect and watch our children make big…
Jackson Horvat, my son and published author, makes his way through New York City for college visits and some site seeing.
I was considering the broken plate analogy the other day when it occurred to me that it is, in fact, an incomplete thought. If you’re unaware of the analogy of which I speak it goes something like this: “Grab a…