
  • Ode to my Mothers

    So 20 years ago cancer took my mother. Yes those of you who know me well. 20 years. On this solemn anniversary I normally put something sweet in remembrance of my mother. But today I thought I would, instead, thank the ladies that picked up the slack in her absence. Buckle up kids, I’m sorry…

  • It’s not us… it’s you.

    It’s not us… it’s you.

    The perils of helping those in need. I was recently confronted with the problem of helping someone that shouldn’t need help. Let me explain. The job of a parent is to provide and protect and watch our children make big mistakes while protesting from the sidelines “you’re doing it wrong”. That being said if your…

  • A Vlog in NYC! I’m in it… trust me.

    Jackson Horvat, my son and published author, makes his way through New York City for college visits and some site seeing.

  • The Broken Plate Analogy

    The Broken Plate Analogy

    I was considering the broken plate analogy the other day when it occurred to me that it is, in fact, an incomplete thought. If you’re unaware of the analogy of which I speak it goes something like this: “Grab a plate. Now break it on the floor. Now tell it you’re sorry. Is it fixed?…